Best Priced Carpets NottinghamBest Priced Carpets Nottingham
Best priced carpets Nottingham
Measuring for stairs is a little more complicated than measuring a room. Start by measuring the width of the stairs,keeping your tape measure parallel to the edge of the step. Do this on one or two stairs just in case there are any variations. Next measure the depth and riser of the stair.
You can do these together by pinching the tape measure as shown. This also helps to account for these protrusions,known as nosings,which can be missed otherwise. Now we can figure out how much carpet we need. The total length of the step,43 centimeters,can be multiplied by the number of stairs. Say this staircase has 14 stairs,meters x 14 gives us a total length of meters. Stair carpets can be fitted in strips so you won’t need that full length. Instead you can use this process: the width of the stairs is 68 centimeters. Carpets are manufactured to standard widths,with 4 meters being the most common. So we take 4 meters and divide by giving us 5.9. That means there are 5 full widths of the stairs in a 4 meter wide carpet,divided by 5 equals just over so from this we can work out we need at least by 4 meters of carpet as always,adding 10 centimeters will provide a safety net,so meters by 4 meters is the ideal quantity of carpet. When ordering carpets for stairs be aware the pile direction should always run down the stairs,like so,in order to ensure that the carpet can be correctly fitted and have a long lifespan. With this in mind the length of the carpet should correspond to the length of the stairs. On our website the length is always the first measurement and is displayed on the vertical axis on our images. We will cover how to measure winding or angled stairs in our next blog.
See Carpets in Nottingham for more advice,or if your looking for cheap carpets nottingham give us a call.