Aldborough Estates Uncategorized E-Commerce Accounting 101: A Guide for Online Sellers

E-Commerce Accounting 101: A Guide for Online Sellers

For e-commerce sellers, strong accounting practices are key to managing cash flow, calculating profits, and staying tax-compliant. This guide covers the essentials of ecommerce bookkeeping

, from revenue and expense tracking to calculating the cost of goods sold (COGS) and leveraging accounting software.

1. Track Your Revenue: Organize Sales Data

Accurate revenue tracking involves recording each sale and the fees associated with your selling platform(s).

  • Gross vs. Net Sales: Track gross sales (total revenue) and then subtract platform fees and refunds to understand net sales.
  • Multi-Channel Integration: If you sell on multiple platforms (like Amazon and Shopify), use ecommerce accounting software like Connectbooks, QuickBooks or A2X to consolidate data, which reduces manual work and errors.
  • Separate Sales Tax: Keep sales tax separate from revenue. This simplifies remittance to tax authorities and prevents mixing collected taxes with actual earnings.

2. Expense Management: Know Where Your Money Goes

Managing expenses is essential for profitability. Organized expenses help you spot trends and control costs effectively.

  • Categorize Expenses: Use categories for different costs like marketing, shipping, warehousing, platform fees, and transaction fees. Clear categorization allows better expense tracking and highlights areas where you might cut costs.
  • Inventory Management Costs: Inventory represents a significant expense. Track inventory costs to know your actual product expenses and prevent stockouts.
  • Shipping Costs: Shipping fees impact profit margins, especially if you offer free or discounted shipping. Include fulfillment costs in expense tracking for accurate reporting.

3. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): Measure Profitability

COGS is the total cost of producing the goods you sell, and calculating it accurately is crucial for understanding gross profit.

  • Calculate COGS: To find COGS, add beginning inventory to purchases made during the period and subtract ending inventory. This reveals the cost of products sold during that period.
  • Use Inventory Software: Real-time inventory tracking tools, like TradeGecko, make it easier to monitor COGS accurately and keep your stock levels balanced.

4. Cash Flow Management: Ensure Financial Stability

Cash flow management ensures you have enough funds to cover expenses, invest, and grow.

  • Create a Cash Flow Forecast: Forecasting sales and expenses helps avoid cash shortages, especially during slower sales periods.
  • Separate Personal and Business Finances: Open a dedicated business account for clear cash flow tracking, making accounting simpler and preventing personal-business fund mixing.
  • Allocate Taxes: Set aside funds from revenue for tax obligations to avoid cash shortfalls during tax season.

5. Tax Compliance: Prepare for Sales and Income Tax

Tax compliance can be complex in e-commerce, especially for multi-state sellers, but proper tracking tools make it manageable.

  • Sales Tax: U.S. tax laws require sales tax collection based on state economic nexus rules. Consider automation tools like Avalara or TaxJar for managing sales tax across multiple states.
  • Income Tax Preparation: Unlike sales tax, income tax applies to your profits. Accurate revenue, COGS, and expense tracking are essential to determine taxable income and avoid errors. Professional tax help may save time and improve compliance.
  • Store Digital Records: Store all receipts and invoices digitally within your accounting software, ensuring easy access for audits and tax prep.

6. Leverage Accounting Tools for Efficiency

Accounting software simplifies e-commerce accounting and enhances accuracy.

  • QuickBooks and Xero: Popular accounting options for small businesses, both offer e-commerce integrations and features like expense tracking, inventory management, and multi-channel support.
  • A2X Accounting: Designed for Amazon and Shopify, A2X automatically transfers platform data into QuickBooks or Xero, making it easier to track sales and fees accurately.
  • Inventory Solutions: Tools like Skubana and TradeGecko help manage stock and COGS, integrating with QuickBooks and Xero for streamlined inventory and expense tracking.

7. Reporting and Analysis: Insights for Growth

Use accounting software’s built-in reports to track performance and guide decision-making.

  • Profit and Loss Statement: Regularly review your P&L to measure revenue, expenses, and profitability over time.
  • Cash Flow Statement: Analyze cash flow to understand inflows and outflows and maintain sufficient working capital.
  • Balance Sheet: A snapshot of assets, liabilities, and equity, the balance sheet is helpful for evaluating financial health and preparing for business growth.


Mastering e-commerce accounting may seem complex, but the right processes and tools make it manageable. By tracking revenue, expenses, COGS, and taxes, you’ll gain insights into your business’s health, ensure compliance, and make strategic decisions. Embrace these practices to simplify your accounting and set your e-commerce business up for long-term success!

If all those seem too complicated to you, make it easy and automated with the help of


. The software helps you automate your accounting, track your inventory in real-time, get sales and profit calculations done for you daily. Check out for more details

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Hydro testing, which uses high pressure water to check for leaks in the system, is another maintenance option. Water leaks can cause damage to a boiler, so make sure you check before calling a professional plumber.

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The most common signs of a boiler problem are when the water isn’t heating up as fast as it should, spikes in your energy bills, and smoke coming from your boiler. If you see these symptoms, call a professional right away.

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Att navigera etiken i magi

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Några slutord: Magi med integritet

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