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How static stretching can improve your performance

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Can stretching exercises help you have better flexibility and performance? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of stretching while you are stationary.


If you’re looking for ways to improve your performance, static stretching might just be one of them. While it may not be good for you under the wrong circumstances, static stretching can have positive effects on your health and performance, and it’s not nearly as strenuous as any other form of stretching.

Static stretching is essentially stretching your muscles while you do not move them. It helps strengthen your muscles by allowing you to stretch comfortably. With static stretching, you stretch your muscles and you become more flexible. It’s important that you stretch correctly, so hiring a company that teaches stretching techniques will help you achieve all the benefits of stretching safely.

Static flexibility

Your static flexibility is the range of motion your body has without any movement. Whether you reach a great distance or bend easily, or what positions you are able to hold without breaking your bones, is a crucial part of your ability to be flexible. People who aren’t used to performing many different types of physical activities may have very restricted flexibility, which means that they have very little range of motion or ROM.

Why try static stretching

So, why should you start doing static stretching? If you want to increase your flexibility and perform better, you should be stretching regularly. It’s an easy way to stretch without any risk of pulling a muscle, and with that, you’ll gain a large range of motion – making various workouts and actions easier to do. Stretching statically is perfect for all levels of experience, as you don’t have to be extremely skilled to do this as long as you are able to properly position yourself.

It is important that you realize that you have several ways to stretch, and that static stretching isn’t always the best solution. Working static stretching into your routine along with other forms is going to yield the best results.

Avoiding injury

As with all physical activities, there’s always going to be a risk of injury or harming your body – and static stretching isn’t exempt from that. You can end up hurting yourself if you start to stretch too often or for too long. Instead of trying it without the right education, you may instead consider stretching classes. Flexibility training can help you move more freely, perform better, and be more flexible – all while avoiding injuries or harming your body.

Remember that everyone has their own limits, and your physical abilities will be a significant factor in how much and how often you should be stretching.

When to perform static stretching

If you are a newbie, you might think that it’s necessary to do all your static stretching before you begin to exercise. But, doing those exercises after you work out is much better. It’s actually best to do dynamic stretching right before you work out, and you would use static stretching post-workout.

You have probably already warmed up your body, so you’ll benefit more from doing some static stretching. Stretching classes will teach you all you need to know about stretching in order to perform at your best.

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The Quickest Steps to Start Investing in Crypto

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Choose a Crypto Exchange

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Create Your Account

You can create your account by selecting “sign up” or any other equivalent menu item. You’ll need to provide the email you’ll use, your complete name, address, and other essential information. For central exchanges like Binance, you’ll have to verify yourself through submission of a valid ID and a real-time selfie.

Verify Yourself

Some exchanges may take verification requirements to the next level by asking you for multiple valid IDs. Research the exchange’s legitimacy before submitting your delicate information to avoid phishing and identity theft.

Create a Wallet

Once you start buying crypto, you’ll need to store your private keys. The central exchange-provided account is an always-online wallet vulnerable to possible hacks. On the other hand, your “cold” wallet is always offline, making the hash challenging to find because it’s stored in an offline USB or HDD.

Deposit Cash

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Choose Cryptocurrencies You’d Like to Purchase

Choose from the complete list of cryptocurrencies we’ve included above to start investing in crypto. Make sure to read the fundamentals of investing from Coin Aholic Academy to avoid suffering massive losses due to trend and rumor investing.

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Do you want to be able to stick to your fitness routine? Then you need a personal fitness plan

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Your Plan is Based on your Current Fitness Level

Starting a fitness plan based on your current level of fitness allows you to see exactly where you are at in terms of how physically fit you are. This is crucial because it gives you a realistic starting point. This is a great way to know your fitness level and how you can improve it. This will be completely based on your goals, so that you will not only be able to meet them, but also be able to surpass them. If you’ve never created a personal fitness plan before, then you can easily hire the help of a professional as they can set up a regime based on your personal needs.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

It Suits your Personality and your Work Schedule

Everyone is different. People are very unique and have very specific fitness needs, and if you can identify your own, you will be able to find exercises that are more fun and that are more suited to you. It’s important that physical activity is fun! You should never feel like exercising is just another chore that you need to tick off your list. If you know you’re a bit of a couch potato when it comes to getting motivated, or if you have a super busy schedule then having a personal fitness plan helps you to workout at the hours where you are the most motivated, so you can push yourself harder without feeling forced.

It Caters to your Current Level of Motivation

If you want to get fit quickly, a plan that you create needs to be tailored to your current level of motivation. What motivates you may be different to what motivates the person next to you. If you can start your own personal fitness plan, then you or your trainer can find what works for you. If it motivates you to work out more often and to lose weight, then consider doing more cardio and lifting weights. If you want to lift more weights, then add lifting to your regime. You will be able to achieve the body that you are looking for, and you will be able to see yourself getting better and better each day.

If you have a fitness plan, you’ll succeed! After all, it’s personal to you, it suits your goals, and your current level of energy. It’s also highly adaptable, so if you’ve struggled to stick to regimes in the past, this could be a real game-changer for you. Are you still unsure how to get started? Visit Future Fitness today to talk to one of our personal trainers about tailor-made fitness plans that you can stick to.